FU Appendicitis

You won’t believe me - I can barely believe it myself but 6 weeks after my craniotomy and approximately 6 weeks before I am due to return for my next one I am back in hospital.After another ugly episode of vomiting and diarrhoea which led to a seizure (due to dehydration and lack of sleep) I found myself in the back of an ambulance for the third time this year!  A few hours in AnE with very vivid hallucinations of Parsnip and a Funny Boy who was not feeling his fittest (more of that to follow in the next blog) I was admitted. A series of tests confirmed appendicitis.Due to my existing health concerns the doctors are calling my case ‘complicated’. Usually I would be heading straight for an appendectomy but with a risk of seizures I am currently on IV antibiotics and under observation whilst they decide the next stepsSo, how am I feeling?Homesick, fed up and sick of being ‘sick’ if that makes sense. Literally being thrown one curve ball after another... Get me home to Parsnip please!!

As always #FUCANCER and for today #FUAppendicitis


The chance to do more


Not Knowing